Is there a way to use Roboto Thin font in a 'Google Docs' document?
I fount a way to add Roboto font (via 'More Fonts...') but I have not found a way to set the Thin or Light version.
Best Fonts On Google Docs
2 Answers
Feb 15, 2019 Extensis Fonts for Google Docs allows you to see and access the thousands of free fonts Google provides in a convenient panel located right next to your document. Sort them by style, what’s popular, and get inspired by fonts that are trending. Sep 8, 2015 - To Install Fonts: No matter what kind of computer you're using, installing fonts for normal desktop use goes like this: After downloading, find the.
It is now possible to use intermediate (i.e. light/semibold) font weights in Google docs. Click the fonts menu, and then click the arrow to the right of your desired font to select the weight you would like (this arrow is only present on fonts with other available weights).
It is is not currently possible to use different font weights in Google Docs. However, it has been requested in Google Product forums.