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The people sharing & connected to each other using thebit-torrent protocol are split into 2 categories. SEEDS(uppers)& LEECHERS(downloaders) In the begining while downloading atorrent for the first time you are a leecher because the downloadhasn't completed. When it completes you switch to a seeder anddedicate that stream to simply uploading. The more seeds availablethe faster the download.
Seeding is the process of connecting to a torrent when you havea complete file.
Yes it is important to seed 1 to 1. The more seeders there areon a torrent the faster the torrent is. You are not downloading thetorrent from the actual site you get it from. You are downloadingit off another user that has it on their computer.
Let's say someone uploads a torrent to a site and that personseeds at 100kbps. At first every single leecher is trying to getthe file from the uploader which if there are 10 leechers then eachleecher is approximately getting the file at 10kbps.
I don't seed torrents. Always thought it was a waste of internet/money. But if there wasn't any seeders on these torrents we couldn't download. Hi guys, I'm don't deal too much with torrents, and actually I don't know a lot, just downloaded utorrent, and if I want something, download it.
Let's say the 10 people finish downloading the torrent from theuploader. Each also is seeding at a speed of 100kbps.
That means the total speed of the torrent after the 10 get donedownloading the file is 1100kbps. Because 10 are seeding at 100kbpsand the original uploader is seeding at 100kbps. So if there are 11more leechers getting the file now each of those leechers areapproximately getting the file at 100kbps instead of 10kbps becausethere is a 1 to 1 ratio per seeder & leecher.
There are two ways to add and stream torrents using uTorrent Web. First, the user can click the +Torrent button where are options to upload torrent files and add magnet links. Second, the user can. Find the torrent file for the game you want to download. There are a variety of places you can look for torrents online, but none can be linked to here. Make sure that the torrent has positive comments, as this increases the chances that you're downloading a working copy without viruses. Try to find a torrent that has a lot of 'seeders'. Why should I seed a torrent when torrents are working fine without me seeding? Update Cancel. On how healthy the swarm is. If there are 100+ other seeds and my torrent client goes an entire day (1440 minutes) without seeding anything, then I may not keep trying to seed that torrent. If everyone would seed their torrents only while.
If everyone just downloaded the file from the uploader andstopped seeding without seeding the torrent 1:1 then the uploaderwill always be stuck seeding. Which the speed of the torrent willhardly go up because the leechers will always outnumber theseeder.
So it is important to seed back at least what you take. So ifyou download a file that is 1GB then seed back 1GB. That is why itis called FILE SHARING. People are considerate enough to sharetheir stuff you can repay them back by seeding back what you takeso others can enjoy it as well.
Can you shutdown whilst seeding a torrent?
If you want to download without seeding, just delete the torrent after download to prevent seeding. Read More
Is torrent seeding legal?
It depends if the file you are seeding is legal or not. Read More
After you download a torrent how do you stop seeding?
Right clik on the torrent that you want to stop seeding, then select clik on the stop. You will see a 'Finished' in place of 'seeding' if its completely downloaded torrent, otherwise 'Stopped'. U can also remove the torrent after completion by selecting 'remove' when u right click the torrent. Read More
What does seeded mean in reference to torrent files?
Seeded means something that you are seeding. So like, you download one torrent, after you download it fully you'll start to seed it, hence 'seeding' it to other people that are downloading it. All P2P software uses seeding. Read More
What is a seed torrent?
Seeding a torrent allows other people to download the files from you. Read More
When do you know the seeding has finished in a torrent?
The full seeding process begins once your torrent download has reached 100%. Seeding never truly 'finishes.' In fact it actually begins once you have started the download of the torrent yourself. As you download, whatever you have downloaded is in turned shared. You can continue to seed the torrent as long as you are allowing others to download. Read More
Can your computer get infected with torrent seeding?
No, but your computer can get infected from the actual torrent file that you're downloading. Read More
When is a good time to stop seeding a torrent?
Soon after your downloading completes you can stop directly torrent cut the downloaded file and paste it in your destination folder or place. Next time you open torrent remove the previous torrent and data to stop seeding of previous downloads. Read More
Can you still open a torrent while it is seeding?
What are seeds in torrent?
Seeds are people who have already downloaded the torrent, and are seeding, ie re-uploading the torrent to decrease download times. More seeds=faster, healthier torrent. Read More
Is seeding is must in torrent?
What is a seeder on torrent?
A seeder is a user who has completed downloading the torrent and is only uploading. Seeding is always recommended, this way the torrent stays working and speeds remain high. Read More
What to do to make fast the downloading through bit torrent?
Why uploading is in progress in torrent when actually you want to download only?
Because when you are downloading it, you are also uploading or 'seeding' the torrent back to other users. Many torrent downloaders have a function to stop the uploading Read More
What is seeding on pirate bay?
Seeding is a form of giving in the sense of downloading. when you finish downloading a torrent it starts to seed which is giving back what you have downloaded. it makes downloading faster for other people downloading the torrent. it is coincided very selfish not to seed. this is called leeching. Read More
How do you seed on utorrent?
After the torrent is done downloading just leave it to download( which is also known as seeding) Read More
Windows 7 torrent is still seeding can it still burn?
No now delete your warez or the FBI will get you Read More
What is seed in torrent?
Seeding is essentially the procedure of linking to a torrent when you have a complete file downloaded or stored on your machine. Basically, the more seeders there are on a torrent file the faster the torrent download will become. When an individual downloads a torrent, he/she is not downloading the torrent from the actual site you get it from. You are downloading it off another user that has it stored on their computer. Read More
Why do you have to seed torrents?
You don't have to seed torrents, but seeding torrents helps others to download the torrent quicker Read More
Is seeding torrents legal?
If you have the legal right to distribute the file (for example, a video that you filmed yourself), then seeding the torrent is legal. If you do not have the legal right to distribute the file (for example, a pirated copy of a Hollywood movie that you downloaded), then seeding the torrent is illegal. Even if you make no money from the copyright violation, you can still face severe penalties if you get caught. If… Read More
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What is a torrent seed?
A seed is a client (a person) that has a complete copy of whatever torrent you`re downloading. Once your torrent is done downloading it will remain open until you close it (This is known as being a seed or seeding). Lots of seeds = Faster downloads! So keep seeding !!! You can take a look at my blog for a complete explanation of torrents www.1001lostlinks.blogspot.com Read More
Why do you need seed after downloading bit torrent?
Seeding a torrent after downloading it is a common courtesy to the peers that seeded it to you, and users who are downloading the torrent for the first time. It improves their download speeds, and in some cases, can even raise your download speeds for other torrents. Read More
What is a seed in Bit Torrent?
A seed is a client (a person) that has a complete copy of whatever torrent you`re downloading. Once your torrent is done downloading it will remain open until you close it (This is known as being a seed or seeding). Lots of seeds = Faster downloads! So keep seeding !!! You can take a look at my blog for a complete explanation of torrents www.1001lostlinks.blogspot.com Read More
Can I use a torrent file I downloaded while it is seeding?
Yes, seeding just means that other people are downloading it. OR You can get an invite to almost all torrent sites here: http://www.torrentauction.com Read More
Does seeding a torrent file use up any of your internet download limit I am on a plan and entitled to 36 gb over the course of a month. Will seeding affect this?
Unfortunately it does use up your download limit. Read More
Can you use the downloaded torrent file without seeding?
yes just right click and select 'remove' if you hit 'remove with files' you will not seed and delete the files. seeding uses a lot of bandwidth Read More
How much time does a torrent take to download a movie?
As much time as it takes. It all depends on your connection, how many seeds and peers the torrent has, and the connections of those seeding and peering, the size of the file, etc. Read More
If you download a torrent do you have to keep the complete downloaded file on your computer to seed it or can you just leave the torrent file?
The downloaded file has to be kept along with the torrent to seed. It is that downloaded file you are uploading. You can move the file to an external drive and still keep seeding, but you would have to tell the torrent where the new location is. Read More
What does seeding mean in sports?
seeding in sports means how the teams are ranked Read More
Is torrent safe?
Depends on the one who is seeding it. If the seeder has virus on computer there is a posibility that it will seed the virus too. But most of them are virus-free. Read More
Why is your utorrent downloadin at 2 kbs?
Most likely there isn't anybody seeding that particular torrent. That, or your internet connection is terrible. Or both. Read More
What seeds and peers in torrents?
Seeds are always standing for the uploaders in torrent file, the torrent files are automatically starting to seed after the torrent is downloaded, you can change in a options that you want to have a higher priority for the seeding or downloading. The peers are always standing for the number of downloaders. By Dave Read More
What are peers in utorrent?
Peers: Are total number of people that are downloading or seeding a torrent. Those that have a torrent available for download: Seeders Those that want to download a torrent: Leechers. All together they are: Peers Read More
What does seeding mean in WikiAnswers?
Seeding is a term that is used for creating new questions in the website. Read More
Can you play the torrent file that is still seeding?
You can play any file that is 100% downloaded to your computer, even while it is seeding. A file that has not yet completed downloading should not be played, as it has missing pieces, and some players will 'lock' the file, which may suspend the download. Read More
How do you transfer seeding files from one torrent client to another?
Similar question has already been answered here http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_do_you_continue_torrent_download_on_a_different_program Read More
What is Force start in BitTorrent?
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Force Start is an option that that takes the selected torrent out of the queue order and forces it to start immediately. Forced torrents also will not stop when they reach the set seeding goal. At Options>Preferences>Queueing you will see the Max number of active torrents and downloads settings and the seeding goal settings. These are the preferences that Force Start will ignore if they indicate the torrent should be queued or stopped. Read More
Why your torrent stats downloads in night hours?
Because you are seeding the file, stop seeding the file. and while your at it install some peer protection like peer guardian or a really good firewall. torrents are notoriously ridden with hackers and anti p2p agency which will attempt to mess your computer up Read More
What mean by torrent?
The definition of the word torrent is a rush or violent stream of liquid. Read More
How do you know if the movie has finished downloading on BitTorrent?
There should be a column called 'Done' and if the torrent is finished it would show 100% under this column. Also, under the 'Status' column, it would show 'Seeding' or 'Finished'. If those columns are not showing, highlight the torrent and select the 'General' tab on the bottom of the screen. This area will show the % downloaded and the Status of the torrent. Read More
How do you seed in torrent?
The only reason torrent files work is because people seed them. The files you download with torrent software actually come straight from other peoples' computers, not from an internet server. When people seed a torrent, they allow the files to be copied from their computer onto the computers that they're seeding to. I've never seen a torrent client that didn't automatically seed. As long as you don't delete the files downloaded, you keep the torrent… Read More
What does seeding in uTorrent mean?
What does it mean to say a torrent is a crack torrent?
It means that is a torrent to download a crack to a program, which allows you to bypass the security. It is used for illegally installing programs Read More
What does torrent of darkness mean?
Can you upload media as torrent files and become a seed?
The minute you upload a torrent, ( providing you have a tracker, or have uploaded to a site that has a tracker ) you are seeding. A seed is any person that has 100% of the file, and is uploading. All other downloaders are called leeches. When you upload a file yourself, you are the first and only seeder until someone reaches 100% Read More
Where can one download the movie Model Shop?
A person could find out if anyone is seeding the movie Model Shop on torrent and download it from there. One might be able to buy the movie off of the TCM website or Amazon. Read More
What does torrent mean?
Your torrent downloads does not starts?
There are many possible reasons. The most likely is that your ISP or school or company has blocked all torrent traffic. Not much you can do about that. Second, make sure you are actually connected to the internet and give it about 1 minute to actually start. Third, the original seeder might not actually be seeding immediately. Once again, give this time. Read More
How do you add trackers to vuze?
I am assuming you mean how do you add trackers to a torrent in Vuze. Stop the torrent in Vuze, then right-click on the torrent in Vuze and select: Advanced>Tracker/Torrent>Add tracker URL Read More
How do you upload files in u torrent?
In uTorrent select File>Create new torrent (Ctrl+N). You will then see the Create new torrent screen. At the top is the 'source', that is the file(s) you wish to upload. If it is one file, choose the 'file' option. If it is more than one file, it must be in a folder and choose 'directory'. The next step is adding tracker(s). If this is for a private site, you need to check their rules on… Read More
Downloading fine, but can't upload
A few days ago I was uploading perfectly fine. Now I'm getting no upload (other than overhead) but still download fine.
I can't work out why it isn't working. I've tried connecting to wifi instead of wired, I've used a different router/modem, I've tried turning off my proxy and using my VPN instead to no avail.
The peers are there, they show in my torrent client (qBittorrent, and they show both in and out of brackers). I've tried using 3 different computers (all on the same network). I'm port forwarded and connectable, tested with online tools. The port and qBittorrent are allowed through windows firewall (I don't use any other firewalls or virus programs). I've tried using Deluge and uTorrent 2.2.1 instead, but no luck. I can run my web server and access it outside the network, and I can't think of anything that could be causing the problem or how to fix it. I've tried torrents from 2 private trackers and 1 public, but all get 0 upload when they were fine less than a week ago. I even changed ISP's but that didn't make any difference.
For the sake of readability, I'll relist from above what I've tried.
WiFi instead of ethernet
Different torrent clients (qBittorrent, Deluge and uTorrent 2.2.1)
Different trackers
Different computers (Ubuntu, Windows 7 and Windows 10)
Different router/modems
Normal internet connection, through VPN and through proxy
Different ISP
Different port
I've been trying to find the cause of the issue for the past half week, but have had no luck. If there's any details I've missed please let me know. Since I use private trackers, I really need to be able to upload, at the moment I'm getting bonus points because apparently I'm seeding, but nothing ever gets uploaded.
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Edit: I've been downloading an Ubuntu torrent for hours, still no upload but it can see the peers.